Port to door and door to door service from shipper to consignee. AMA offers door to door delivery services for customers who want to simplify logistics management, reduce costs and minimize the risk of loss or product damage, while focusing on core business. Integrated service includes carton labeling, freight transportation and package delivery.
AMA Freight System
AIN # 101110278
BIN # 002444629-0202
House# B - 174, Road # 23,
New DOHS, Mohakhali,
Dhaka - 1206, Bangladesh.
Tel : +88 02 58817385
Fax : 88 02 58817395
Mobile : +88 017 555 849 25
E-mail : info@ama-freight.com
AMA Freight System
AIN # 101110278
BIN # 002444629-0202
Saleh Mansion (2nd Floor)
1808 Sheikh Mujib Road, Agrabad,
Chattogram – 4100, Bangladesh.
Tel : +88 02333320285
Fax : 88 02333320286
Mobile : +88 017 555 849 26
E-mail : info@ama-freight.com
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